Sharing your data
Any personal data that identifies you are collected and managed by the ASCEND team at the University of Oxford and will not be shared with anyone else, except to obtain health information about you from the health registries as described.
At the end of the trial (when we have stopped collecting new data and reported our results), de-identified data (from which you cannot be identified) may be shared with other research groups who are doing similar research. This information will not identify you and will not be combined with other information in a way that could identify you. The information will only be used for the purpose of health and care research, and cannot be used to contact you or to affect your care. It will not be used to make decisions about future services available to you, such as insurance.
On your final follow-up questionnaire, we asked if you would be willing to be invited to take part in future research studies coordinated by the Clinical Trial Service Unit, NDPH, at the University of Oxford. All such invitations will come from the NDPH and your details will not be passed to any third parties.